Axiom can help your non-profit with SEO


Axiom can help your non-profit with SEO

seoWhy do “Do-Gooders” sometimes fail to do well?  Almost all non-profits have good intentions, but those intentions alone are not enough to fulfill your mission. The principals and rules that apply to professional practices, service providers, and for-profit businesses also apply to non-profit organizations. It is no longer enough to merely have a webpage. The page must be mobile device friendly or “responsive,” there must be good web design, SEO (search engine optimization), utilization of video formats, and management of social media marketing platforms.

Not-for-profit organizations like churches, charities, NGOs, or social services operate on limited budgets. Often, there is no room in those budgets for an on-staff IT manager or an internet specialist. But without those services, the non-profit is at a significant disadvantage. Potential volunteers and contributors, as well as the people who need your services, will be less likely to locate or even be aware of your organization. Today, the ‘net,’ the ‘cloud’ and mobile marketing are the keys to a non-profit’s success, just as they are for giant companies. Learn how AXIOM can help you fulfill your non-profit’s mission by clicking INTERNET MARKETING FOR NON-PROFITS.

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JulianC administrator

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