Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines


Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines

Google searchDid you know that you can get a copy of the “secret” Quality Evaluator Guidelines used by Google? This information manual was kept from the public for years until Google decided that it was in its own best interest to release it. Presumably, this will help web designers conform better to Google guidelines and give an open source of information about what Google considers to be the best practices of webpage design and content creation.

All you need do is to use your browser and enter the query, “Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines – Google.” This will direct you to a 160-page PDF document that Google’s human evaluators study. Of course, much of Google’s ranking system is based on non-human, automated algorithms that check things like sitemaps, page titles or meta tags. Still, reading the document (if you have time for 160 pages) will give some insight into Google’s page ranking system, especially some “Don’t Do This” warnings.

One of the important factors considered is the page’s uniqueness and originality. Copying or “scraping” content from another website will lower the ranking of a webpage. Here is a quote lifted from Google’s July 27, 2017 General Guidelines –

7.4.5 Copied Main Content – Every page needs MC (Main Content). One way to create MC with no time, effort, or expertise is to copy it from another source. Why does the page exist? What value does the page have for users? Why should users look at the page with copied content instead of the original source?”

Obviously original, useful content helps your page ranking. All of this is fine to know, but if you are a busy professional, service provider or business owner, you probably do not have time to read a 160-page quality assessment manual or to create quality material for your website. Axiom can give you professional help on both counts.

Your professional practice or small business deserves more than cheap web design, and the low search engine rankings that come with it. Axiom is more than an internet marketing agency. Axiom Administrative Services has the professional skill and small business SEO skills needed to get your web presence the ranking it deserves.

Turn to Axiom Administrative Services  if you are struggling to find branding strategies or digital marketing solutions that work, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques that get results, or a logo design service that makes your business stand out. Our business marketing team can combine traditional marketing tools like direct mail advertising with local SEO services to build your branding strategy. Please visit Axiom’s small business services page by clicking this LINK or call Axiom at 800-888-6348.

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JulianC administrator

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