5 Do’s and Do Not’s for Webpages


5 Do’s and Do Not’s for Webpages

responsive web designIf you are struggling with SEO techniques, trying to develop digital marketing solutions and branding strategies that work, it would pay you to turn to a professional search engine optimization company like Axiom Administrative Services. As a professional search engine optimization company, Axiom can provide your website with the small business SEO services and digital marketing solutions you need.

Most professionals, small business people and non-profit organizations already know that the day when cheap web design would suffice has passed. Still, some business and professional people try to do this on their own or have a staff member take care of it. If you or your organization are in that category, let the pros at Axiom give you a few hints. These “Do’s” and “Do Not’s “ are the top 5 things that any web designer, amateur or professional should know.

  1. Do have unique and original content. Do Not scrape, copy or cut and paste material from other sites.
    Plagiarized material is a killer for webpage ranking. Every webpage should have a satisfying amount of main content or “MC” that is original. Cheap web design cannot meet this requirement. If you are unable to create your own content, consider a professional internet marketing agency, to create both main content and a SEO strategy.
  2. Do have a mobile responsive website. Do Not use cheap web design.
    Website responsiveness has become essential. The best branding strategies or SEO techniques will be to no avail if the site cannot be viewed on mobile devices. The number of web queries issued on smart phones or similar devices has long since passed the number coming from computers. Cheap web designs are frequently not optimized for mobile viewing.
  3. Do have a fast-loading website. Do Not tolerate load-time over 5 seconds.
    Professional SEO services will always achieve loading times of 5 seconds or less. If you are doing the site design yourself, be sure to minimize the HTML code-to-text ratio, to avoid lengthy tag names and limit webpage white space.
  4. Do have proper page title tags. Do Not have missing, duplicate or too-lengthy title tags.
    Title tags tell a search engine what the page is about; they are essential to ranking the page. Webpages with missing or duplicated tags are almost certain to drop in ranking.
  5. Do have internal and external links. Do Not have broken, repetitive or missing links.
    Broken or missing links are a turn off for both the viewer and search engines. SEO link building increases the likelihood that your page will be seen and ranked. This is critical to all search engine optimization services, and to successful digital marketing solutions.

Designing webpages, planning branding strategies and developing SEO techniques has become a science and a profession in itself. If you are busy with your own professional practice or small business, the best way to design your digital marketing solutions is a qualified professional SEO service.  Axiom is more than an internet marketing agency. Axiom Administrative Services has the professional and small business SEO skills needed to get your web presence the ranking it deserves.

Our business marketing team can combine traditional marketing tools like direct mail advertising with local SEO services to build your branding strategy. Please visit Axiom’s small business services page by clicking this LINK or call Axiom at 800-888-6348.

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JulianC administrator

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