Tag Archives: Digital Marketing Solutions


Digital Marketing Solutions for Reaching Senior Markets

Digital marketingRecently, our blog articles have been concentrating on reaching a very special and critically important segment of internet users: the senior market. Many internet marketing agencies concentrate on branding strategies and SEO techniques that are aimed at Generation X (late 30’s to early 50’s) or the Millennial Generation (teenagers to middle 30’s). They devote little thought or effort to finding digital marketing solutions that target the market segment made up of “seniors” and adults in their mid to late 50’s, the Baby Boomers.

On the surface, this branding strategy seems to make sense. If you add the population totals, Gen Xer’s and Millennials are by far the largest age demographic, and Millennials are now coming of age and taking leadership positions in business and politics. Many of the young geniuses who power the internet are Millennials. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, age 29, just became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, replacing an establishment Democrat of the Baby Boomer generation. These are the people who buy most of the houses, cars and consumables from hair spray to pet food. It is natural for branding strategies and SEO strategies to take aim at them!

It is also true that most of the people who develop search engine optimization (SEO) services and techniques are members of these younger generations. They think like Gen Xers or Millennials, but could they be missing an important point? The fact is that most of the purchasing power in the American economy today is in the hands of Baby Boomers. Axiom Administrative Services is one internet marketing agency that bucks this trend. Axiom knows and understands the economic strength of seniors, “Boomers” and the 50 plus market!

This is partly an accident of geography, partly an intelligent choice by Axiom management. Our home turf is in the center of the most senior-centric state in the United States, Florida. Every day we see the economic power of seniors in every market sector. Please think along with Axiom and you will see the point:

  • The 50+ audience has much more tech know-how than marketers think! It’s true that the Boomers were not the first to adopt the internet, but they are rapidly catching up.
  • Boomers are actually the highest value consumers in the market.
  • Boomers spend the most money on each shopping trip.
  • Boomers are more likely to splurge on items that are not every day purchases. In fact, Boomers even spend the most dollars on technology. They are the biggest purchaser of high-end electronics, premium cable and premium streaming services.
  • When Boomers uproot and move (as many in Florida have done), they are in the market for new homes, new appliances, carpeting, home painting, roofing and new professional services like physicians, dentists or attorneys.

These facts hit Axiom in the face, and we have welcomed them! Axiom is especially proud of its association with Ourseniors.net, a Florida-based organization that caters to the needs and opportunities that the senior and Boomer markets hold. Axiom manages the content rich Ourseniors.net website, its social media presence, OurSeniors.net on Facebook and OurSeniors.net on Google +, as well as their direct mail and local distribution of the printed version of OurSeniors.net Magazine.

Of course, Axiom has other interests and skills, but more and more, we see that Boomers are where the bucks are, especially in Florida. If you are struggling to find digital marketing solutions that work and branding strategies that can reach this important market, turn to Axiom. Your business deserves more than a cheap web design, and Axiom is more than an internet marketing agency. Axiom Administrative Services has the professional skill and small business SEO skills needed to help your web presence penetrate the senior and Boomer market. Our business marketing team can combine traditional marketing tools like direct mail advertising with local SEO services to build your branding strategy. Please visit Axiom’s small business services page or call Axiom at 800-888-6348.

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