Reach Your Target Audience by Email Marketing


Reach Your Target Audience by Email Marketing

email marketingWebsite design, graphic design and search engine marketing through SEO services are all prerequisites to success in digital marketing. A strong website design with intelligent text, good graphic design, and possibly embedded video can make your website stand out. However, a static website can go only so far. To reach your customers on a regular and repetitive basis, email is an invaluable tool.

Consider some of the obvious advantages of a mail online campaign. Because email can be produced and distributed so quickly, it can be immediately responsive to market changes and opportunities. The response rate to any given email may be low, but because it costs so little to produce, the return on your investment of time and money can be large. The low cost enables you to try out many different formats and tactics at little risk and to track the success rate of each. If an offer for a 15% discount on some sale item or service works, you can repeat it as many times as you like. If it fails, you have lost little.

Email marketing enables a business, a professional practice or a non-profit organization to target a particular group or class of clients or customers. An auto repair shop can send one message to the owners of GM trucks and a separate one to Mustang drivers. A retailer can target women who have purchased ‘petite’ sizes in the past and a non-profit can hone in on members or contributors who have responded to a given appeal.

All of this presupposes that the business or organization has a mailing list, and the best source of this information is the organization itself. Collect the email addresses of any customer with whom you deal. Your email list is a valuable asset. Save it for yourself and do not share it. If you have done business over the internet, this should be easy. In other business types, the owner or proprietor can offer a small incentive to get a customer to sign up.

If you are starting from zero, there are organizations that offer email lists for sale, but you need to take care. You are almost certainly better off using the services of an experienced web development and SEO company like Axiom Internet Marketing. These professionals are familiar with digital marketing, search engine marketing and mail online campaigns. They have access to email data bases and can combine social media marketing techniques with programs that target mail online customers.

Axiom Professionals can give you specific advice about your product or service and mail online marketing. Here are some general principles that apply to any email promotion.

  • The subject line of an email must be catchy enough to get the recipient’s attention. A subject line like “Special Offer on Dresses” is not specific or exciting enough to stimulate interest in many people. Try “25% off on Size 5-7-9 Summer Outfits” to get the attention of a particular group of customers.
  • The most effective emails are not formal, written letters. They are graphics, filled with images of something that interests the customer. A graphic design with pictures of flying toy drones, colorful summer fashions or mud tires gets the consumer’s attention and conveys your message more effectively.
  • Don’t abuse email. Never email existing or potential customers more than once or twice a week. Doing so risks getting you placed into their spam filter.
  • Include a call to action like “print this coupon and bring it in”, “use this code to get a special offer” or “click this button to order now.”
  • If appropriate, use external links and utilize buttons for a more visually appealing external link.
  • Test your mail online campaigns to see what your subscribers respond to best. Do they respond to emails that have videos, photos or text?
  • Link to social media marketing platforms by including buttons to social media sites.

A few people can do all these things for themselves. For most business owners, tasks like website design, graphic design, online mail operations, and social media marketing are best left to professionals like Axiom Internet Marketing. Axiom has access to the up-to-date databases used to conduct effective digital marketing and mail online drives. Combined with its website design, graphic design, web development and SEO services, Axiom Internet Marketing can add the social media marketing or targeted email power that will put your business, non-profit or professional practice on top. Click Here or call 800-888-6348 to contact AIM and discover what it can do for you!

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JulianC administrator

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