A short video can greatly improve your marketing results


A short video can greatly improve your marketing results

Have you ever thought of incorporating video into your internet marketing mix? Online advertising is a dynamic and rapidly changing field. The incredible rise of search marketing propelled by the use of mobile devices has changed the landscape. Direct mail and email marketing are still useful and effective, but there is a completely new factor in online advertising: video.

The website for the well-known streaming service Roku publishes rankings of its most-watched channels in all categories. As you might expect, Netflix, the pay-by-month entertainment giant is number 1, but what is your guess for 2nd place? Would you believe that it is YouTube?

This is surprising because YouTube is free, open source and (in many cases) very amateurish. Much of YouTube’s material is poorly produced or barely understandable, yet it is getting more Roku views than HBO, Sling, Hulu or Amazon Video. These organizations pay tens of millions of dollars to get professionally produced content. Why does YouTube ‘outclick’ them?

The ‘free factor’ is one element, but the rise of smartphones is where YouTube is really cleaning up. Short, interesting videos are perfectly suited to the mobile device user, and they click on YouTube all day long. This is a huge opportunity for small businesses, non-profits and professional practices. Imagine that you are a CPA or tax planner. If you put up an informative, well produced video on some area of your expertise or practice, it could reach hundreds or thousands of potential clients.

A retirement-age senior would be interested in learning about taxation of Social Security benefits. Many people would view a short explanation of ‘Adjusted Gross Income vs. Taxable Income.’ The opportunities for calling attention to your practice, getting new clients and building relationships are huge.

Axiom Administrative Services can provide professional help in producing these types of video presentations, placing them on YouTube and linking them to your other internet marketing vehicles like Facebook. Social media and video can combine to make your message more appealing. See how by clicking on AXIOM VIDEO IN FACEBOOK.

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JulianC administrator

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