The CRITICAL Importance of Visual Content


The CRITICAL Importance of Visual Content

Branding Word ConceptThere is one trend in the internet world that overwhelms all the others. That trend is visual content. The creative people who devise branding strategies, professional SEO services and even logo design services are all keenly aware of the growing dominance of visual content in both social media and the wider internet. The Pew Research Center reported recently that, in 2017, more adults used (an entirely visual site) than visited Facebook.

All effective digital marketing solutions must now take this into account. Advertising pros have long known that, compared to written or sound-only material, visual presentations are more engaging, remembered longer and more likely to produce action. Visuals significantly increase the engagement of an audience because they quickly capture attention; visuals can tap into the conscious and unconscious emotions of an audience much faster than printed or spoken words.

Numerous studies have demonstrated that people remember much more of what they see than what they merely read or hear. One market study found that Facebook posts with images drive 2.3 times more engagement than those without images. If you want to engage people on social media, or on the wider internet, you must show them visuals that can tell a story and build your branding strategy.

Good digital marketing solutions will grab the attention of an audience and effectively engage them in that branding strategy. When you start the process of building a website or developing a branding strategy, start working on your visuals before the launch. Creating a photo or video of someone using your product or service makes it easier for people to imagine themselves doing so. The term, “engaging visuals,” can include still images, screenshots, graphs, videos, memes and GIFs or even a copyrighted logo from a professional logo design service.

All of this is sound advice, but there is a problem; if you are a small business operator, service provider or professional practitioner, how are you going to find the right visuals to convey your message. If fact, have you thought carefully about what your message (your branding strategy) should be or what digital marketing solutions you will employ? The internet is full of visual images for sale or, in some cases, free.

If you have any doubt, do a search for an obscure term like, “Birthday Cat Memes, Images and Gifs.” You will almost certainly find a bunch of visual images suited to a birthday card for cats. If you do not know, a meme (in terms of digital marketing solutions or a branding strategy) is an image or video that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users.

But how do you go about resizing these images to fit your website or Facebook business page, what about copyright, what is the best image title for SEO link building or page ranking purposes? Most professionals, business owners or service providers do not know! But they should know that these tools and skills are absolutely essential to their success. If you are struggling to develop branding strategies and digital marketing solutions that work, it would pay you to turn to a professional internet marketing agency and search engine optimization company. Axiom Administrative Services has the professional skills needed to guide your web presence to the rankings it should have.

Axiom knows how to create, optimize and place visual content. Axiom can produce and embed video demonstrations or educational material in your website or social media platforms. Axiom is more than an internet marketing agency. Our local SEO services, small business SEO and individual digital marketing solutions are combined with traditional marketing techniques like printing and direct mail to achieve maximized results.  Please visit us to find out how Axiom Administrative Services can fill your digital marketing needs.  You can contact us by calling 800-888-6348.

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JulianC administrator

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