Dominating Local Searches


Dominating Local Searches

SEOA lot of attention is paid to national and worldwide search results. The internet is big news these days, and that attention is natural. But to a local small business, a service provider or a professional practice, the race between Facebook, Amazon and YouTube may seem irrelevant. If you are a dentist practicing in Port Orange, the important thing to you is search results for a query like, “Dentists in Port Orange, Florida.”

Search engine optimization services and internet marketing agencies must pay close attention to local SEO services.   As a business owner, there a number of things you can do to make dominating local search results easier.

Start by pretending that you are a local customer searching for a provider of your product or service. What are the key words that you would use in looking for that subject? Make a list of the words that occur to you and ask several other people to do the same. Be imaginative and think of broader categories; if you are in the carpet cleaning business, include keywords and phrases like “home maintenance,” “house cleaning,” “cleaning services” and “carpet cleaning.”

Make a list of essential information that should be on your website, such as business name, address, phone number, business hours, web address and contact information.

Gather images like your business site, examples of your service, satisfied customers and your business logo. Your business logo is very important; if you do not already have a logo, consider a professional logo design service.

Claim a spot in local business service listings at sites like Google’s, Facebook’s or Yelp’s

Get professional help to optimize your website. The days when a cheap web design would do the job are gone. An effective website must now be fast and mobile-friendly, key words must not only be present, they must be in the right places. There should be simple navigation and there should be no technical problems with the web design. A good internet marketing agency should provide local SEO services and SEO link building as well as a branding strategy that links your business to your city, town or even zip code.

Some of these steps are possible on your own, especially things like gathering information and claiming spots in business service listings. Others are beyond the technical abilities and outside the time constraints of most people. If this applies to you, digital marketing solutions that work and branding strategies that make your business stand out can still be had. Turn to Axiom, an internet marketing agency with the professional and small business SEO skills needed to get your web presence the ranking it deserves. Axiom Administrative Services can combine traditional marketing tools like direct mail advertising with local SEO services to build your branding strategy.

Please visit Axiom’s small business services page by clicking this LINK or call Axiom at 800-888-6348.

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JulianC administrator

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