Yearly Archives:2014


Advertising Healthcare

Healthcare Seo Marketing CompanyNearly unheard of 20 years ago, healthcare SEO is now almost a necessity for any healthcare institution. Whether for a medical practice in Baltimore or Ft. Lauderdale, people look to the Internet now for medical information and referrals.


Be Well Represented

representativeIt takes more than knowing how to design a website to create a successful Internet presence. Axiom Internet Marketing knows how to represent your business in the best possible light and to the best advantage in Florida. Call us today for a free consultation at (800) 888-6348.


We’ll Keep Your Website in Rhythm

cardiologyRunning a cardiology practice is no easier than running any other business in Atlanta. However, when it comes to keeping your online presence active through cardiology SEO, Axiom Health Care Marketing is there to keep the rhythm smooth.


Honoring Our Veterans!

veterans dayAt Axiom Internet Marketing in Florida, we know what it is to serve our country. We consider it a privilege and a responsibility to honor all of those who have answered the call to serve our great nation. We salute you Veterans!


Remembering our Veterans

flag saluteAs part of the force in online marketing for the health care community that works to keep our veterans healthy, we want to humbly thank all of our Veterans for all of their sacrifice in protecting our country. We salute you this Veterans Day from Daytona Beach.


You Need a Blog

blogHaving a blog on your Florida website gives people another reason to visit and stay on your web page. Blog creation can put interesting content related to your business where visitors are likely to see it and enjoy the information they obtain.


Learning the Ropes

doctors-online-presenceAlthough you may be a physician, it is important that you know something about Internet marketing so that you can make good decisions regarding your online presence. Axiom Health Care Marketing can help. Call us today for a consultation in Coral Gables.


Don’t Be in the Dark

darkYour business needs an Internet presence, but it doesn’t mean you should be in the dark about Internet marketing when you approach an Internet marketing service. Research and understand the terms they will use to build your website, then contact Axiom Internet Marketing for a free consultation for your business in Florida.


Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment InformationIf you are searching for insurance during the open enrollment period in Miami that is still going on, knowing what you are required to do is a big help. Social media information can help, and if you’re under 30 read here to learn what your options are.

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