Yearly Archives:2013



11 29 12 Dermatology PicDermatology is a unique medical specialty that cares for the skin and its diseases. Get the unique Internet marketing that you deserve from Axiom Health Care Marketing.



I Sell Cars, Why Do I Need Content?

Selling cars, new or used, is like any other business; you need customers to survive. To get customers they have to know of your existence, what your product is and how to find you. Some of this can be accomplished by having someone make a website for you. However, having a website isn’t any good if no one sees it. Everyone knows this, but how do you make it happen? Having good, and frequent, content on your site is one of the ways. Having a company like Axiom Internet Marketing that knows how to design a website to include content is essential.

What is Content?

Web content is defined as the text, images, and sounds that a user sees and hears when visiting a website. This is all part of Internet marketing. In the larger picture, everything that is on a website is content, although a large portion of it is never seen by the public. When referring to content, most people are talking about what the web visitor sees as part of marketing online.

Your home page, About, Contact, FAQ, blogs, Comments, and product/services pages all require content. What makes all the difference in whether a website is successful is the quality and frequency of the content.

What is Good Content?

Good content is of immediate value and gives the visitor something. Hiring an excellent online marketing company such as Axiom Internet Marketing that knows how best to utilize search engine optimization can put your company in the position to be that website.

When the majority of people initiate a search on the Internet, they are looking for information. They are looking to be enlightened, advised, and perhaps even be entertained. Most are not looking to be sold something.

For instance, when a person initiates a query for how to replace a belt in their car, SEO kicks in and they are presented with hundreds of options. They are not looking for advertisements from establishments that sell cars or car parts. They are looking for information on how to replace a belt. If they click on a site and are presented with a 1500 word article on the benefits of taking your car to X car dealership for repair, the visitor is not going to be happy. X car dealership runs the real risk of alienating that visitor forever. However, if X car dealership’s website content contains information on how to replace the belt, he/she will be glad to have clicked on the site and will likely visit again and tell others about how helpful the site was. 

In the first scenario above, the company wanted something from the visitor – money. In the second scenario, the company gave the visitor something – what he/she searched for.

When a person visits a website and the content on the home page is interesting, easy on the eyes and easy to navigate, the visitor may stay a while, look at other content, and eventually become a customer. A large part of this success is accomplished by hiring a company that knows how to design a website and can offer first-class web design. If visitors have a positive experience while on your site, they are more likely to return and will also tell people they know.

Types of Content

The types of content that will draw visitors to your website are many. As either a car dealership of new or used cars, you know that your audience is interested in cars and probably car related topics. Drawing car enthusiasts to your site can be achieved by providing:

  • Editorials, on different car models
  • News, about new models, laws and regulations
  • Videos, featuring your dealership and staff or cars being featured
  • Announcements about upcoming sales, salesperson of the month, etc.
  • Interactive features such as polls, forums and discussion groups
  • Feature articles covering anything car related

The feature article is one of the most common forms of content – and one of the best. Providing articles that relate to your business gives visitors a better feel for your business and what you are all about. Articles can enhance the credibility of your website by offering informative subjects.

If you are a car dealer, contact Axiom Internet Marketing and talk with our team of experts. They can show you how we use Internet marketing, search engine optimization and other marketing techniques to make your website a super performer.


Published by Axiom Internet Marketing



Marketing Plastic Surgery

As a plastic surgeon, you have spent well over 15 years getting your medical degree and then going through specialized training to become a plastic surgeon. You have devoted a lot of years and a lot of money to get to where you are. You want to make sure that all that hard works pays off.

Advertising Your Skill

In order for all those years of medical school to become worthwhile, you must put your skills to work, and that means finding patients. While you could stand on the corner wearing a sandwich board, this isn’t very practical and it won’t reach very many people. In this electronic age, reaching a lot of people means that you must have a website; for starters.

With all the programs out there for website design, anyone can pull together a website; load up some pretty pictures and add some text. It may be a website by definition, but that doesn’t mean that it is a good website.

You are a professional, and you should hire a professional company to create your website and do your marketing and advertising for you. Axiom Health Care Marketing is the perfect choice for a specialist like you.

What is Health Care Online Marketing?

Just as you are a specialist, the people at Axiom Health Care Marketing are specialists too. We use all the Internet marketing strategies at our disposal and customize them to fit the medical field. We will further customize our services in online marketing to fit your chosen specialty.

Creating an Internet marketing plan for your practice will cover many avenues. If you already have a website, we will conduct an evaluation of your results from that website and then make suggestions for changes and upgrades. We will work with you and explain the importance of the different Internet marketing strategies.

What is Health Care SEO?

One of the most important things is hiring a professional who knows how to design a website and how to optimize SEO, search engine optimization and about Internet marketing. You have probably heard a lot about search engine optimization, but its importance to a good online marketing plan cannot be over-emphasized.

Without SEO, prospective patients will never know you exist. It’s a well-known fact that few people search beyond the first page of results after making an inquiry. SEO is what will help get your practice onto that first page. We can customize an SEO strategy that will work the best for you and your practice. The effective use of keywords and SEO practices will have web crawlers coming back to visit your website frequently, pushing your page rating up the scale. Health care SEO is not only about effective use of keywords. It also involves creating back-links; which in your case may be links to skin-care product lines or spas.

Continually Updated Content

New content on your website is another thing that will have web crawlers visiting your site. They love new content. Blog creation is one of the best ways to accomplish this. Blogs can be short or long, technical or easy going, but they must relate to your plastic surgery practice in some way. Newsletters, product reviews, Q & A, and even a forum. Axiom Health Care Marketing can provide content that is enjoyable and informative for visitors. When they like what they see, they will be more likely to explore more of your website and become a patient.

The Use of Social Media

Social media marketing takes advantage of the explosion in social media such as Facebook, Twitter and so on. In essence, social media marketing is good old-fashioned word of mouth advertising on steroids. Medical SEO and other marketing methods can get prospective patients interested, but having a Facebook page they can go to, ups the ante on their engagement with you and your practice. Social media provides a chance for two-way interaction and can help a person feel more comfortable with their decision to make an appointment. In addition, if the visitor has a pleasant experience on your social media page or website, finds some interesting or informative content, they are going to tell their friends and word gets around.

At Axiom Health Care Marketing, we have many more weapons in our arsenal to get you and your plastic surgery practice on the first page of search results. We are a medical SEO company and we know how to market health care. Contact us today for a consultation.


Published by Axiom Health Care Marketing




Veteran’s Day Salute

Axiom Internet Marketing and all our staff wish to thank all of those in the armed forces and their families for their sacrifices. We join you in honoring our veterans on this Veteran’s Day. Many eateries are joining in as well with free meals. Go here for more information.


Earliest Treatments

The Canon of Medicine written by Avicenna in 1025, describes the use of zinc oxide as a treatment for skin conditions. Let Axiom Health Care Marketing provide the Internet marketing that expands on your years of experience.


Changing Lives

Excellent dermatology treatment can change a person’s life and lift their self-esteem. Axiom Internet Market can change the life of your practice by providing new patients.



Our Newsletter

Keep abreast on all the news at Axiom Health Care Marketing by reading and subscribing to our newsletter.



Laser Dermatology

Using lasers in the treatment of dermatological conditions provides greater precision and reduced invasiveness. Let prospective patients know through Internet marketing  with Axiom Health Care Marketing that you have the latest in technology.



Beauty in Marketing

Helping people achieve beautiful skin can’t happen when they can’t find your practice. Axiom Internet Marketing can put your name at the top of the search results so that you’re first on their list.


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