Internet Marketing


Check out Axiom on social media

The influence of Social media continues to grow, making these platforms ever more important for businesses of all types. AXIOM will be there! Visit AXIOM now on these social media platforms:


Consider a newsletter for your clients

Newsletters are important or essential to some types of organizations, building a bond between the reader and the organization itself. See how a newsletter can help your business, non-profit or professional practice. Click on CONSIDER A NEWSLETTER to learn how.


Get full-service marketing with Axiom

Axiom Administrative Services is a FULL SERVICE marketing, internet and web services organization. From printed brochures to online social media marketing, AXIOM can help you meet your digital and traditional marketing objectives. Click on AXIOM to see our full range of services.


How can SEO help your organization?

You have probably heard about Search Engine Optimization and what it can do for your local organization. An important part of SEO is knowing and correctly placing keywords and key phrases. Learn about this important topic by following the link, KEYWORDS AND PHRASES.


The Role of Social Media in Business

Social Media marketingIf you are involved in business marketing, digital marketing or any form of internet advertising, you have had some exposure to the idea of using social media. The truth is that the term, “social media” is frequently misunderstood. Please think about “social media” and how it can help you in your web marketing effort. A business person or entrepreneur should think of social media as being an integral part of their internet marketing and overall business marketing plan.

You should not think of social media in the narrow sense of sites like Facebook or Twitter, platforms that are heavily involved in interpersonal relationships and chatter. Certainly, they cannot be ignored, but web-marketing experts also use web-based sites like Yelp or YouTube. A query in Yelp will get you a local listing for anything from dental offices to taco restaurants, while YouTube is now a primary source of information about almost any subject from patio screen repair to gastric bypass surgery.

The term ‘social media’ should be understood to mean any web-based technology through which an individual or organization might promote their service, business or professional practice. Social media has changed the ways in which customers, byers, clients and patients find the product, business or service they need. Search marketing has made it possible for someone to ask dozens of friends questions like, “Where is the best Happy Hour?”, “Do you know a good dermatologist?” or “Who fixed your shower door?”

“Web-based technology” once meant desktop computers or laptops; more and more, it means mobile devices, especially smart phones. This means that a balanced digital marketing plan must include mobile marketing. Social network marketing and social media marketing are now important parts of online advertising. Because social media grew so quickly, some business people might still think of it as being a passing fad or a minor part of a digital marketing plan. This is definitely not the case! Search marketing is now the primary way in which many products or services are chosen.

Do a quick test. Go to and search for “cardiologists near “ + [your zip code]. Most people do not think of cardiology as a social marketing subject, but this search will almost certainly turn up office listings and reviews for most of the practicing cardiologists in the area. Most cardiology practices will now have at least a web page and many have their own YouTube channel where you can learn about angiograms, vascular stints or how to help control your cholesterol. Both the web page and the YouTube channel are forms of digital marketing and internet advertising.

FacebookA presence on social media sites can help your business, non-profit or professional practice in numerous ways. First, it makes you or your organization more recognizable, accessible and familiar to customers or potential customers. The value of this familiarity is huge. Imagine that you are looking at a large store display while shopping for toothpaste. Are you more likely to choose a brand that is familiar or one you have never heard of? People almost always choose the familiar name.

The role of traditional advertising was to establish this brand familiarity. In the past, only large advertising budgets could make names like ‘Colgate’ toothpaste familiar to shoppers. Digital marketing, social media marketing and search marketing have made it possible to achieve this familiarity at a tiny fraction of the cost.

Second, social network marketing provides a chance to demonstrate your expertise, to show that you know your business, be it computer repair or tile installation. A complete internet marketing strategy should include traditional digital marketing like a company webpage, but also informative articles or online video marketing presentations that educate and inform your audience. Social network marketing can make you not only familiar, but also trusted as a source of services, products or advice.

Perhaps the most important reason for giving attention to social media marketing is that your competitors are already doing it. This is true of almost any service, profession, product or even idea. If you are providing a cat grooming service, you will find that entering the term ‘cat grooming’ on Facebook returns dozens of results that include descriptions, maps, directions and other information. Many people turn to Facebook to find this service. If you are a non-profit serving the needs of homeless people, a Facebook search returns dozens of results that relate directly to your local area. Social media marketing provides an effective, low-cost way to reach the consumers of your product, service or idea.

Future articles will take a close look at specific search marketing and social media marketing websites. As a business person, service provider or non-profit manager, you probably do not have the time or skill to devote to social network marketing or web marketing in general. At AXIOM Administrative Services, social media marketing is one of our primary concerns. AXIOM can help your business with any form of web marketing, including social media and social network marketing.

AXIOM understands the needs of small businesses, professional practices and nonprofits. Please visit AXIOM’s Small Business Services page or by calling 800-888-6348.


Do you need to promote your website?

What can you do to promote your own website? Find out by reading, “How Can I Promote My Website?”.


What are backlinks?

What do you know about BACKLINKS and their importance? BACKLINKS lend credibility to your website. Click on the link to find out more.


AXIOM has its own YouTube channel

Actually, AXIOM has its own YouTube channel. Click on the AXIOM on YouTube link to see some of our video productions.


Axiom works with a wide assortment of industries

Are you aware of the wide assortment of industries with which AXIOM works? These organizations include medical and dental practices, small businesses of all types, non-profits and others. Follow the AXIOM link to see the variety.


How Do You Know What Keywords and Key Phrases Are Important?

SEOBelieve it or not, there is actually a field of study called “Keyword Research.” Keyword research is a method used in search engine optimization (SEO) to determine which actual search terms people enter into search engines. Professionals in SEO use this information to attain improved rankings in search engines. There are several keyword suggestion tools that aid the process, including Google’s “Adwords Keyword Planner”, the “Bing Adword Planner” and numerous SEO strategy consultants who offer thesaurus and alternative keyword research suggestions. These companies can do in-depth research and analysis that relate specific keyword usage to a country or region, even down to a given zip code.

If you are a typical business person engaged in local trades and services, a professional practice, a ministry or non-profit organization, the choice and positioning of keywords and phrases is critical to your webpage search ranking. This is good news for small business, local non-profits and professional practices. By choosing a search engine optimization company that has the time and resources needed to research keywords and phrases, these local small businesses, professional and non-profit organizations can actually outrank national giants in local results.

This is a critical point for small business and SEO. If you are a local plumbing contractor, a small business operating in a given area, you do not have to outrank Kohler or Home Depot in national rankings. You are only interested in getting to the top of the rankings for “plumbers” or “plumbing contractors” in your zip code and surrounding areas. By matching keywords to the other data available to search engines (such as the user’s location, past search history and cookie library), an SEO strategy professional can vastly improve a webpage ranking.

Sometimes this is not very obvious. In the broad search engine topic of “plumbing”, how often are the words “faucet” or “drain” or “leak” used? The tools mentioned above can give you an evidence-based answer. Let’s take a specific example. Consider a person living in the Daytona Beach, Florida, area who is looking for an assisted living facility for themselves or a loved one. The search engine they are using knows their location and has a cookie file with their past search history. Using the two terms, “assisted living” and “retirement homes” turns up very different search results.

Using the keyword search, “assisted living” turns up:

  • Daytona Beach, FL Assisted Living Facilities | SeniorLiving.Org
  • Assisted Living in Daytona Beach, Florida |
  • Assisted Living: Facilities in Daytona Beach, Florida (FL)
  • Senior Care Assisted Living Facilities near Daytona Beach, FL
  • Riviera Senior Living | Holly Hill, FL – Assisted & Independent Living
  • 100 Assisted Living Communities in Daytona Beach, FL.

The keyword phrase, “retirement home” yields:

  • Daytona Beach Retirement Communities |
  • Retirement Communities in Daytona Beach, FL |
  • Daytona Beach Area 55+ Active Adult Retirement Communities
  • Retire in Daytona Beach, Florida |
  • 55+ Community Central FL | Retirement Homes Ormond Beach
  • Senior Communities Daytona Beach

These are completely different results generated by keyword search terms that could be easily confused by a typical consumer. The same browser and search engines were used. That is why it is critically important to have data specific to the keyword and keyword phrases unique to your particular product, service and location. If a small business owner or non-profit administrator has the time and the skills needed, he or she can search publicly available sources from Google, Bing and others. More specific data can be obtained by subscribing to SEO software from proprietary sources.

Knowing the best keywords for a specific situation is only part of the solution. The placement of those keywords inside the website is also important. Good SEO technique places keywords and phrases in strategic places like page titles and the ‘metadata,’ a part of the website that is unseen by typical viewers but is very important to search engines.

For most small business people, professionals like attorneys or realtors, or non-profit administrators, this is a task better left to SEO professionals. At Axiom Administrative Services, our staff is proficient in traditional skills like graphic design and webpage technology, but also in the professional SEO services, like keyword selection and effective local SEO optimization.

If you are serious about your website, about finding good digital marketing solutions for your small business, non-profit or professional practice, you probably need the professional SEO services of an organization like AXIOM. AXIOM understands the needs of small businesses, professional practices and non-profits. Please visit AXIOM’s small business services page by clicking this LINK or call Axiom at 800-888-6348.

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